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Startup Tamilnadu 2020 ஒரு நாள் | ஒரு மேடை | ஒரு கோடி Chennai, 14th March

100 Startup founders and 100 Angel Investors/Industry Leaders come together and engage with each other for a whole day to build a productive relationship with each other.

Startup weekend Chennai - Your idea in 54 hours

Over the weekend, you can transform your idea into a valuable product, find your co-founders and embark on your entrepreneurial dreams.

Techstars Startup Weekend Madurai 2020

Here is your chance to change the world. No Talk, All Action ! We're in cITy ! Startup Weekend Madurai (17 Jan - 19 Jan) 2020

What not to do while pitching

Pitching is all about creating trust and hope. One wrong move, you are done.

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